
The WSOA Steering Committee meets monthly to determine how the group should focus our time, resources, and energy to support projects in Delta, Mesa, and Montrose counties.

The steering committee is designed to be representative of various geographic areas, user groups and interests so there will be a balanced say in directing the WSOA.

Steering committee members agree to: 

  • Join monthly meetings to discuss issues at hand or send a representative in their place

  • Share the perspective of their affiliations and groups with the WSOA on relevant topics 

  • Propose projects for consideration and evaluate projects that others propose 

  • Respond with insights between meetings and take a leadership role as needed to make progress on various tasks 

  • Distribute news from the WSOA with friends and community 

Our steering committee meetings are typically held monthly on the first Tuesday of each month at 4 pm. The location varies between the three counties and virtual/hybrid meetings.

Our current steering committee was formed in Summer 2023 and membership will be revisited in Spring 2024. If you are interested in serving in this capacity in the future, please contact us.

If you’d like to participate in a less official capacity, join our next quarterly Advisory Council meeting. Find more details on the Meetings page.

Steering Committee Members - Voting

Steering Committee Members - Non-Voting

  • Primary - TBD

    Secondary - Caroline Kilbane, Zack Kelley

  • Primary - Bill Edwards, Dana Gardunio

  • Primary - Molly West

    Secondary - Kirk Oldham, Rachel Sralla


  • Meghan Kent